

Understanding Worm Gears. Worm gears contain three essential components that interact with each other: The worm screw, the worm wheel and a final part is called by those who simply call it gear or complete unit of gat. The ウォームホイールギア is similar to your typical house hold screw, but it has a specific shape. The other is a circular worm wheel. Theworm wheel, too turned together with the turning of worm screw. Those two parts work together and are connected to make things move. Worm gear will only be able to move on one side. This is an excellent feature, as it prevents them from backing up and — just as importantly in many machines where you would not want a part to back up at all.


Worm gears are well-suited for transmitting power at higher velocities between non intersecting shafts. A worm screw always meshes with a worm wheel, they are in constant mesh thereby aiding very smooth power transmission. Dakunlun ウォームギアとウォームホイール 一度に大量の動力を伝達できますが、欠点は他の種類のギアに比べて遅いことです。確かに、できるだけ多くのエネルギーを節約しようとしている場合は素晴らしい特性ですが、時間を犠牲にする場合はそうではありません。確かに速度が遅い場合があり、急いで何かを処理しようとしている場合は、物事が起こるのを待つのがすぐにうんざりすることがあります。

Dakunlun ウォームギアを選ぶ理由は何ですか?


